1.1 This regulation defines the basic requirements for the organization of work of the Alumni Association of LLP "Innovative Eurasian University" (hereinafter - the Alumni Association)
1.2 The requirements of this regulation are mandatory for the Alumni Association.
1.3 The regulation is part of the documents that ensure the functioning of the quality management system of LLP "Innovative Eurasian University" (hereinafter – the University).
2.1 This regulation is developed in accordance with the following regulations:
- ST RK ISO 9001-2009 quality management System. Requirements;
- SOW 02.01-2006 General provisions for the construction, presentation, execution of regulations, instructions, process maps, documented procedures and standards of the Innovative Eurasian University;
3.1 alumni Association - a voluntary public organization established to carry out activities determined by the common interests of students and graduates of the University and colleges of the University, on the basis of self-government.
3.2 Members Of the alumni Association may be graduates Of any University.
3.3 The Main activities of the Association of graduates are fixed in this Regulation.
3.4 The Association of graduates in its activities is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, these Regulations and documents governing the educational, scientific and other activities of the University.
3.5 The Supreme governing body of the alumni Association is the Board of the alumni Association, which meets once every six months. The Council holds its meetings according to the plan of meetings for the academic year approved by the Council.
3.6 The Chairman of the Board is elected from the members of the Board of the alumni Association by a majority vote, by open vote.
3.7 The Issue of admission to and withdrawal from the Association is resolved by submitting a written application to the Board of the alumni Association.
3.8 Membership in the Association of any of its members may be terminated if its activities are contrary to the goals and objectives set out in the Regulation.
3.9 When applying for membership in the Association, the entry fee is 1000 tenge, which is paid when applying for membership in the alumni Association.
3.10 To carry out the activities of the Board of the alumni Association, an Organizing Committee of the alumni Association is created, in the amount of at least 5 people.
3.11 The Funds from the entrance fees are sent to the events held by the alumni Association.
4.1 The main objectives of the Association are:
- strengthening of corporate spirit among students and graduates of the University of all generations;
- consolidation and social promotion of graduates, their self-realization;
- improving the efficiency of using the intellectual potential of graduates in training and retraining of personnel in demand in the labor market, successful in career growth.
4.2 To achieve these goals, the Association solves the following tasks:
- creation of a page on the University website and social networks with a database of University graduates to ensure constant communication between graduates;
- promotion of high quality education, development of effective forms of professional, economic, legal qualification and cultural level of University graduates, as well as improving their functional and personal qualities;
- assistance to the University in the development of effective forms of organization of the educational process and research;
- promoting the improvement and development of cultural and educational work with students;
- participation in the work on career guidance of young people, assistance in the organization of recruitment, distribution and employment of graduates;
- ensuring the establishment of social partnership, coordination and implementation of mutual interests of employers, state and local authorities, educational institutions, public organizations with the University;
- assistance in strengthening the material and technical base;
- creation and development of new collective forms of information, legal and advertising services of the consortium;
- assistance in the organization of meetings of graduates of the University;
- assistance in the establishment of educational, scientific and business relations between organizations and enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.
5.1 The Composition of the Executive Committee in the amount of not less than three people is elected at the meeting of the Council from among the graduates and employees working at the University and colleges of the University.
5.2 The Executive Committee shall elect the Executive Director from among its members by a majority vote by open vote.
5.3 The Executive Committee implements the decisions taken at the meetings of the Council, coordinates the activities of all members of the Association, monitors the implementation of the plan approved for the academic year, conducts content management of the web page of the alumni Association.
5.4 The Executive Committee carries out the General management of the Association, represents the interests of the Association in the Central and local government bodies and public organizations.
6.1 Members of the alumni Association have the right to:
- participate in the management of the alumni Association, the development of long-term and current work plans, to elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the alumni Association;
- receive information and methodological materials of the Association, information on the decisions of the Board of the Association of graduates and planned activities in the field of interest;
- use all kinds of services provided by the alumni Association;
- to use scientific, informational and other materials prepared by the Association in their work;
- to contribute to solving the problems facing the alumni Association;
-take part in events held by the decision of the Board of the alumni Association;
- to provide material, Advisory and other assistance for the implementation of the work of the Association, if possible;
- to use the benefits approved for the members of the Association: visiting the section, rest on the ski base.
7.1 Observe the Regulations of the Association and implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the alumni Association on time;
7.2 Respect the honor and dignity of the graduate;
7.3 To Contribute to the solution of the tasks facing the Association;
7.4 To Take part in the events held by the decision of the Association Council;
8.1 Liquidation of the alumni Association is carried out when its members lose interest in continuing joint activities.
8.2 The Decision on the liquidation of the Association and the procedure for its implementation shall be made by electronic voting on the website of the Association by the members of the Association.
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